Blog Archives

Ann Cecil-Sterman

Cultivating Life: Fertility Support Through Classical Chinese Medicine  The cause of fertility difficulties is unique in each patient. With its knowledge of the complement channels— the sinews, luos, divergents, primaries and eight extras—and with its exacting pulse techniques, the practice of Classical Chinese Medicine offers countless paths in the detection and treatment of impedances to fertility, pinpointing the […]

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Solomon Petrovski

Self Care for Practitioners- The Missing Piece Solomon does his best work when in flow state.  To close the conference Solomon is going to guide a session with the group, on the importance of self care for practitioners in the fertility space. The bedrock of Solomon’s personal philosophy is that when you yourself are cared for and […]

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Julia Bartrop

Pregnancy- the ongoing journey through the trimesters to birth and beyond, how we as TCM practitioners can guide, support and transform our pregnancy patients journey to motherhood. Pregnancy is such an amazing time in a woman’s life – from the moment they see those 2 lines appear on the pregnancy stick – everything changes.  Join Julia as she […]

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Claudia Citkovitz

Reading the Waves of Smooth Sailing: Harmonising pulse & contraction patterns before, during and after birth. Contractions are the ‘pulse’ of the labor, representing the deepest accumulation and flow of maternal Qi and Blood, Yin and Yang.In this presentation, Dr. Citkovitz will discuss multiple applications of her wave-based approaches to diagnosis and treatment planning during […]

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Sean Tuten

Surviving Desire: The Chong Mai in Preconception CareThe Chong Mai can be understood as an infinite spring of potential from which the polarization and temporality of the Ren and Du Mai emerge.  It is formed by the dynamic interaction of the egg and the sperm at the time of conception, receiving Yun Cosmic Qi in […]

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Naomi Jankowski

Endometriosis: Pelvic Health and Healing for Conception With endometriosis now affecting 1 in 7 women, many of our fertility patients will be faced with the challenge of working with the condition.  Naomi has significant experience in working with complex endometriosis patients, and her presentation will be an opportunity for us to all deepen our knowledge […]

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Paul Mischel

Success Has Five Cs What’s the difference between a typical Chinese medicine clinic and a financially abundant clinic? What are the things that certain practitioners do differently that sees them earning 6 figure salaries? How do you turn patients into raving fans that do your marketing for you?  The answers to these questions might lie […]

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Brandon Horn & Wendy Yu

_ Latent viral infection and infertility: A Chinese medicine Perspective   In this lecture, Drs. Brandon Horn and Wendy Yu will discuss viral latency and its effects on reproduction from both a Chinese and Western medicine perspective. They will begin with an exploration of latency both from a Chinese and Western science perspective. They will […]

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